Can Running Low On Fuel Actually Damage Your Car

Will driving your car while low on fuel cause damage to your engine?Can a low gas tank damage your fuel pump or catalytic converter?Obviously you don’t want to be stranded, and it’s certainly not safe to have your car run out of gas while driving, but can you cause any harm to your car by driving without much gasoline in the tank?
source/image: Engineering Explained
We’ll discuss what happens with your fuel pump, catalytic converters, and your engine as whole, and what happens with each of these components when you run out of fuel.
You may be surprised to learn what effects driving on low fuel can have, and what your owner’s manual may claim can happen with your vehicle. Check out the video for full details about driving while low on gas.
Running out of fuel can actually damage your car. For instance, if you run out of petrol, your fuel pump can suck in the dirt on the bottom of the tank, clogging it and forcing a costly replacement.Modern cars are more sensitive, and have a much shorter tolerance for issues. This has led to great developments in motoring, but also makes them more likely to be damaged by running out of fuel.