Pool Live AR – Augmented Reality Tool For Billiards or Pool Games


Pool Live AR is an augmented reality tool, developed by Forge IT, that takes pool or billiards to a whole new level without the need of a special cue, balls or table.

source/image: Forge IT

Using only a projector and a camera, placed above the table, the system detects the cue, balls and tables boundaries and projects in real time stunning effects, score or help lines onto the table, benefiting both amateur or professional players, or even technology enthusiasts.

Using a short-throw projector and 3D depth camera system that tracks the player’s aim and the cue stick’s movement in real time, Pool Live Aid’s AR system creates an optimal path for the white ball to do its job of knocking other balls into the appropriate pocket.


Pool Live AR can also display fun real-time effects and scores on the table. The system is capable of detecting balls, strikes, and pockets. The animation can be customized through your smartphone app. White lines are used to help you with difficult moves.
