SmartPass – Intelligent Pedestrian Crossing Providing Pedestrian Safety & Comfort


SmartPass is the only road safety solution of it’s kind and has been examined by the Institute of Roads and Bridges, Warsaw University of Technology in terms of effectiveness of increasing safety and improving the comfort of road users.


Developed by Euroasfalt and designed by 2sympleks, the system works by keeping an eye out for approaching vehicles and automatically activating signals when a pedestrian is detected. Audio warnings are also used by the system to let pedestrians know if it isn’t safe to cross and that they need to wait until it has slowed down or passed.

Smartpass offers an enhanced system of active pedestrian crossings or usually known as APP Zebra. It’s been installed in more than 150 places in Poland. This project incorporates advanced technology to increase pedestrian traffic safety.


SmartPass’ pedestrian crossing is reported to help increase safety at crossings by 25% and is ready for worldwide deployment after extensive testing in Poland. The active road studs are synchronized with vertical pulsating lights which sends light signals to the driver providing better pedestrian visibility at the transition from a long distance. This is especially important in the case of poor visibility, eg during rain or snow. Euroasfalt’s research shows that the driver reacts faster to light signals if they are activated by pedestrian traffic and do not shine all the time.