Homemade Wooden Go Kart Build NO WELDING Or Expensive Power Tools

Ever wonder How To Make A Cheap Go Kart from Scratch?In this video we show you guys how to build a motorized go kart for a good price with no complicated tools, only stuff that you would find in a typical garage; saws, hammers, drills, ext.
source/image(PrtSc): Build Break Repeat
What we did was began by making a wooden go kart frame for the base our of 2×6 and 2×4 wood, then held the frame with plywood.Watch the video from Build Break Repeat for more info:
To support the wood on the homemade go cart we used screws and bolts to hold the wheels on. Then using a predator 212 engine, clutch, and chain we made it a driver!
As difficult as it looks, Go Karts are somewhat easy to build on your own. It will be a very interesting project for you and your family and friends. You will spend lots of bonding time building something useful together.This project could definitely be a kid and parent project that’s worth the squeeze.