Coca Cola and Drain Cleaner, The Secret Of The Aluminum Can – Amazing Experiment

What secret is an ordinary aluminum soda can hiding? Secret clear film inside most drinks tins is revealed by burning off the aluminium around it.An Aluminum can is covered with a protective layer not only on the outside, but on the inside as well!
source/image: Home Science
When we remove its paint coating, we expose the aluminum, which easily reacts with a drain cleaner that contains an alkaline component. Watch the video from Home Science for more info:
But even when the aluminum has dissolved completely, the drink will not leak out. There is a second material inside the can – a layer of plastic that keeps the drink itself from interacting with the aluminum.
High levels of aluminium in the body can be toxic and excess levels can cause bone and brain abnormalities.The plastic liner forms a barrier between the product and metal, providing protection against food-borne diseases.Do not try this at home!