The Ancient “Thinking Olive Tree” In Puglia, Italy

Puglia is famous for many things: trulli, orecchiette pasta, glorious sandy beaches and the pizzica to name a few, but nothing is quite as Puglia-defining as the 50 to 60 million olive trees.The sheer number of trees is amazing, but so, in many cases, are their size and age.
Called ulivi secolari literally centuries-old olive trees, you will come across large numbers of ancient trees with knotted, gnarled, robust trunks that have been twisted into grotesque shapes by a mix of time, wind, sun and man’s hand.
The thinking olive tree, this incredible tree really exists in Italy, It’s called “L’ulivo pensante di Ginosa”, in Ginosa, Province of Taranto, is a very special olive tree. Just look at him to see a face with eyes, a nose and a mouth that appear carved on its bark.
We can not tell her age, but it is obvious that looking at the photograph nature gives us a new sight to behold.The thought of the olive could become the emblem of the olive trees to protect the Salento and beyond.