DIY/How To Hard Plaster A Brick Wall


One of the great skilled trades, the results of a good plasterer will live with you for years.Having your walls plastered is one of those lovely jobs that finishes off all the hard work that has gone on beforehand.

source/image(PrtSc): Bunnings Warehouse

With the right tools, hard plastering brick walls is a relatively simple job. This video from Bunnings Warehouse will show you how to mix and apply the plaster, how to screed the wall and make sure the plaster is evenly applied.

Make sure the surface is ready to apply plaster. If we speak of a new construction, then you should make sure you have cement rendered the walls and let them dry for a couple of days. If you want to plaster an old room, then you have to remove the coats of paint and sand the surface thoroughly.


Plaster mixes vary; some will require sand or limestone be added in addition to the water. Choose a mix that has the required ingredients already mixed in depending on whether the project is an inside or outside brick wall for easy mixing and application.Spackle is even easier to sand but will take 24 hours to dry, will shrink a lot and cause you to have to re-apply Spackle to remove the cracks.