The X01-Barbagallo – A Single Seat Electric Assisted Velomobile


The barbagallo-bikecars workshop’s objective is to produce a new concept of safe and stylish eco-friendly vehicle using the best technology and quality available today, looking better more and more the product for a fantastic future.

source/image(PrtSc): Giorgio arch. Barbagallo

The barbagallo X01 is a zero emissions vehicle. It is an assisted pedaling vehicle and can also be recharged from the sun.Its powered by uses a brushless electric motor, and 120-watt SunPower solar panel built into the roof, to help charge the vehicle’s 48V/30Ah lithium-iron-phosphate battery pack.

With one euro spent in electricity you can travel about 100 km, even more if you consider the photovoltaic panel as well.The X01 barbagallo is made with a wooden monocoque coated carbon fiber, the body is finished with high quality automotive film, it is covered with a polycarbonate shell that houses a flexible photovoltaic panel.


The interiors, carpet and fabric or leather, customizable. The chair, adjustable, is that of a car.Suspensions, hydraulic disc brakes, large wheels and puncture, the large luggage compartment, the removable battery of the latest generation, connectivity through smart-phone.