The Podbike Electric Assist Velomobile – The Future Of Personal Transport


The Podbike velomobile is a new concept for sustainable personal transportation with its four wheels, electric assist and protection against the weather.Podbike velomobile is more than a vehicle. It is more than a bike, it is more than a platform. It is a vital part of the future. It is a conscious choice.

source/image(PrtSc): Podbike

Being partly human powered, it can be cycled like a regular bike, giving you the same light exercise as an electric bike. With electric assist you travel at 25 km/h and using your own pedal power you will go faster and get additional exercise.Learn more about the history behind the Podbike told by founder and CTO Per Hassel Sørensen.

Podbike has 3 electric motors, but one is used only as a generator. Each rear wheel has a built-in motor and the front wheels used for steering are connected to a generator. Thus, the bike has no mechanical transmission for propulsion.A standard Podbike at a price of $6,300 has 4 battery modules that are connected for a total capacity of 400 Wh.


In driver less mode, the lightweight Podbike velomobile will travel at 6 km/hour, about the same speed as a person walking. Chief engineer and founder of Podbike Per Hassel Sørensen assures us that this is a bike, even if it looks like a car. He says it’s a 4-wheel electric bike with features not found in any other bike.