Revolutionary Air Conditioner – Home Made Desiccant Based Air Conditioning


I explain the design and principles behind desiccant based air conditioning. This extremely efficient, DIY air conditioner is inexpensive to build and costs less than one half as much to run as a conventional, compressor based air conditioner.

source/image(PrtSc): Tech Ingredients

A desiccant is a substance, either solid or liquid, which absorbs water molecules from air and dehumidifies it. Watch the video from Tech Ingredients for full info about this type of Air Conditioner.

The desiccant, initially used to absorb moisture from the air, is later regenerated by heating the desiccant so that it releases the absorbed moisture.


This phase change cycle is a continuous process that drives the operation of desiccant systems.Desiccant systems can be successfully used in regions with low heating demand but have limited application in high humidity areas where desiccant fails to reduce the air moisture content to desired level.