SmithFly Shoal Floating Tent Allows You to Camp on Water

A quick look at the new Shoal Tent. Inflating it, paddling it, a look inside at the inflatable structure, and then flying around it. The Shoal Tent is a first of its kind inflatable floating raft with a tent topper that allows you to sleep out on the water.
source/image: Ethan Smith
Camp on your favorite farm pond, saltwater flat, spring creek or eddy on your favorite river.Sleep under the stars, on the water, feel the flow and let it lull you to sleep. There are no tent poles, the tent structure is totally inflatable and when inflated stands up to high winds without a problem.
The raft body has three air chambers, two in the lower tube, one in the structure. The floor is a 6″ thick drop stitched high-pressure floor that doubles as your air mattress. The tent fabric is heavy duty, waterproof, sealed with heavy duty #8 zippers.
The tubes inflate to 3 PSI the drop stitched floor inflates to 10 PSI.Outside to outside 8’x8′ footprint.Inside comfortable allowance for people up to 6′-3″ tall laying down. Taller than that you can rest your head on the tubes or sleep diagonally,standing room is up to 6′-3″ in the middle.