Ecocapsule Egg-Shaped Micro Home Powered By Solar & Wind Energy

Ecocapsule is a self-sustainable smart house powered solely by solar and wind energy. It allows you to live off-the-grid, with the luxury of a hotel room. Ecocapsule is your design way to independent housing. It can serve as a cottage, pop-up hotel or even as a charging station for electric cars.
source/image: ecocapsule
We have engineered the product from scratch to be as self-sufficient, practical and functional as possible. With Ecocapsule, you will achieve a new level of freedom.
source/image: Ecocapsule
The installed solar power is 880W.We have chosen high-efficiency solar cells in order to maximize energy production.
Windturbine:Low-noise wind turbine is delivering up to 750W during day and night. Telescopic pole, on which turbine is placed, can be easily folded for smooth transportation. The wind turbine can produce electricity 24 hours a day.
Rainwater collection:The unique shape of Ecocapsule® not only minimizes heat loss, but also provides the most important thing for life: Water. Rainwater is collected on the surface, where it’s collected to water tank and filtered for your convenience.