DIY/Homemade 5 Gallon Bucket Race Style Fishing Boat

Have you ever wanted to create your own homemade boat? Boaters are dedicated folks who love trying new things on the water, and many of us enjoy dabbling in creative endeavors, so this thought has surely gone through your mind.
spurce/image: supergokue1
In this video I show you how I made my second 5 gallon bucket boat from scratch.The parts and materials are easy to find, and if you are savvy, you can find most of these materials for free.Watch the video by supergokue1 for more info.
This fishing boat is built in an abnormal but intriguing way. Instead of having typical floaters on the bottom of the boat, he used 5 Gallon Buckets.From there, the rest of the boat was built of PVC pipe.Maybe not up to Navy specs, but this thing can be used as a fishing boat.
One of the most effective ways of convincing people that you’re crazy is to tell them you’re going to build a boat from Pvc pipes and gallon buckets.The simple idea behind this craft was to build a frame out of PVC pipe.A piece of plywood was added on the top to distribute the passenger load,the boat runs on an electric motor powered by two batteries.