Meet The Super Wheel, An Innovative And Unique Alternative To An E-Wheel – Powered By Weight!

An Irish company Super Wheel System based in Cavan, founded by Simon Chan is preparing to launch his innovative and eco-friendly wheel into a Crowd Funding campaign this coming summer.
source/image(PrtSc): Super Wheel
The Superwheel is a bicycle wheel with a built-in power assistance system, using our patent pending (WTECT) ‘Weight (mass) to energy conversion technology, converting the user’s weight to turning power during rotation to improve cycling efficiency.Cycling has never been easier now with Superwheel, Not only is it power assisted but it is also powered by more: superwheelsystem
No battery needed and no range limit, making your journey a lot more effortless and environmentally friendly, Superwheel suits all cyclists and their bicycle as our wheel’s easily attachable to all sorts of bikes old or new in a matter of minutes.
The inspiration of this development concept can be seen every day & everywhere in a car wheel.‘ Why the line from the center to 6 o’clock position is shorter than the lines from the center to any positions… What if… this impact is happening inside the wheel mechanism?’