DIY Woodworking – Resin & Wood World Map Wall Art

If you’ve got a blank wall, some scrap wood, and a love for maps, well, this DIY project is just for you.Anyone can purchase a paper world map, but making a unique wooden & resin world map its a different story, the epoxy resin takes the wood to the next level, giving it a gorgeous looking finish & a glossy.
source/image(PrtSc): StudioJLT
This cool indoor wall decoration is created to add some style to your interior design with its epoxy 3D effect, impressive size and true-to-life details realistically depicting all the countries of the world.Watch the video by StudioJLT for more info.
The map is not only unique, it has a well-thought-out design and the whole production process is done manually.It is a perfect gift for those people who travel much around the world and want to share their experience through the stylish piece of art.
“This was project in which I was commissioned to make a retirement gift for my former boss. He has worked over 30 years and lived on 4 different continents throughout his career.”/StudioJLT