What’s Inside An Formula One Tyre & Explain The Structure

Formula One tyres play a significant role in the performance of a Formula One car.In this video, I open up a Pirelli Formula One tyre to find out what’s inside and explain the structure./Driver61
source/image(PrtSc): Driver61
As I mention in the video, I’m not an expert in the construction or materials used to make an F1 tire, I was just very interested to see what’s inside. Watch the video from Driver61 for more info:
The tire seems to be made out of three main sections: The bead where it meets the wheel, the sidewall, and the contact patch.
Formula One tyres bear only a superficial resemblance to a normal road tyre. Whereas the latter has a useful life of up to 80,000 km (50,000 miles), the tyres used in Formula One are built to last less than one race distance. The purpose of the tyre determines the compound of the rubber to be used./wikipedia