Demonstration Maintenance of a 7.5 kW Prototype Poncelet Waterwheel

Hydro Energy is the technology that converts the energy of moving water into mechanical or electrical energy, and one of the earliest devices used to convert the energy of moving water into usable work was the Waterwheel.
source/image(PrtSc): Nering Industries
The initial testing of the elevation control hydraulics of our 7.5 kW prototype Poncelet waterwheel. The wheel is 3 meters in diameter, and 1 meter wide.
It employs a 5:1 speed increasing belt drive. The PM generator produces maximum power at 50 RPM.With the wheel removed from the river, I am performing monthly maintenance such as greasing, checking belt tightness, etc.
I then proceed to put the wheel back into the river. Due to the arrival of winter, I haven’t yet completed the permanent installation of the control panel and solar panel which charges the battery for the hydraulics.