The Guide To The Perfect Driving Position

A very few people are concern about the correct driving seat position. They prefer seating randomly and in the long run, they have to suffer a lot just because of the wrong sitting posture.
source/image(PrtSc): Jaguar
Jaguar’s step by step guide to help you find the best driving position.The UK government’s Office for National Statistics says that over 15 million people commute to work by car or van, and face a daily risk to their back, neck, shoulders and legs.
Dr Steve Iley, Jaguar Land Rover’ Chief Medical Officer, says new vehicle technology is part of the solution. But only if it is used properly. Our step by step guide will help you to adjust your seat and posture to find the correct driving position.
A perfect seat position can help you to drive well and maintain a good health condition as well. Your knees and elbows should be bent slightly to control the pedals and the steering wheel. When you turn the wheel, your shoulders should still be touching the back of the seat. So, avoid wrong ways and start the correct sitting style from today and have a safe journey always.