The Voodoo Jet Bike, A Custom Made Jet Turbine Bagger

Voodoo Bike Works teamed up with Krookid Photography and Felt Not Heard Productions to bring you the very first Jet Turbine Bagger… There are no others like this! Its been featured on the History Channel and was a part of Sturgis Biker Build Off 2014! Take a look for yourself.
source/image(PrtSc): FNH Productions
This monster looks so good that it seems to come from the future!There is no other bike like this out there! In addition to having a very unique body shape, this bike also uses a machine that is not commonly used on motorcycles, namely Jet Turbine.
But unfortunately, none of the detailed technical specifications, both on the engine, base used to build the motorbike, or its performance data.Heatshield Products helped out Kody and his crew with its Inferno Wrap. It was the only wrap Kody found that could tame the heat of his 30-inch turbine-powered bagger.
Taming the heat was absolutely critical to this build. An extreme heat power plant required the ultimate in exhaust wrap. It even lessened the oil leak and fire that ensued shortly after. When it had to go down for an attitude adjustment to the turbine, Kody was able to unwrap the wrap without it falling apart.//voodoobikeworks