Fishing and Eating Like Ancient Hawaiians

Gargantuan luau dinners and Hawaiian pizza have nothing to do with authentic Hawaiian cuisine. Originally a simple diet based around root starches and fish.
source/image(PrtSc): Great Big Story
Chefs in Hawaii are combating clichés and crafting Hawaiian menus that are more in harmony with those of their ancestors. Mark “Gooch” Noguchi is one such chef. Join him as he fishes with food practitioners and rediscovers the food of Hawaii’s past.
The cuisine of Hawaii incorporates five distinct styles of food reflecting the diverse food history of settlement and immigration in the Hawaiian Islands.
In the pre-contact period of Ancient Hawaii (300 AD–1778), Polynesian voyagers brought plants and animals to the Islands. As Native Hawaiians settled the area, they fished, raised taro for poi, planted coconuts, sugarcane, sweet potatoes and yams, and cooked meat and fish in earth ovens.