Quickboat -The World’s Most Advanced Folding Foat

The Quickboat is easy to get out and have fun in. Storage, no problem – just hang it on a garage wall and there’s no need for a trailer with licence and other maintenance costs. Just strap it to your roof rack and you’re away!
source/image(PrtSc): Quickboats
On the water, the Quickboat performs better than most rigid hull boats its size due to its light-weight and superior design.When assembled, the boat measures 3.7m long and 1.7m wide, comfortably fits four adults and can travel in enclosed waters at over 20 knots with 9.9hp outboard, making it the perfect vessel for the boat enthusiast with a limited budget and/or space.
Click, Click, Click. Your Quickboat comes together in just 60 seconds. No nuts, screws, wires or wing nuts! Warning: It might take half an hour to get to the water with people wanting to see you do it again!Developed by a team of industrial designers, composite engineers and boat users, the Quickboat is about removing the hassles and enhancing the good times.
Design registrations cover not just the amazing look but also how the Quickboat “feels” with gunnel rails that fit your hand shape, seats that grip and flex to soften that wave entry and feet grip to enhance that “in command” sense along with the “click click” way the Quickboat comes together.