The Amazing 325 Square Foot Transforming Micro-Apartment


Welcome to Launchpad – the amazing 325 square foot transforming micro-apartment built by Clei and Resource Furniture. The micro-unit was part of the groundbreaking 2013 exhibition “Making Room: New Models for Housing New Yorkers” at the Museum of the City of New York in conjunction with Citizens Housing & Planning Council.

source/image: Resource Furniture

Together Resource Furniture and Clei, the Italian designer and manufacturer of the “wall beds” (formerly known as “Murphy beds”), were responsible for the realization of “LaunchPad, a 325 square foot ” full-scale “micro” unit constructed within the exhibition space.

The LaunchPad interior was designed by Italian architect Pierluigi Colombo, who also serves as Design and Art Director at Clei. The interior design is as important as the layout; from pull-down beds to multi-use chairs, it is literally what is inside these micro-apartments that count.


The hyper-functional living area layout and furnishings feature a number of transforming pieces to maximize space. The “Swing” wall bed, for instance, features a sofa on the front for daytime use and a pull-down, queen-sized bed at night.