Woman Living Full-Time In a Beach-Themed Tiny House On Wheels

Natasha is living full-time in this beach-themed tiny house on wheels.After living in apartments for over a decade, Natasha heard about tiny houses and realized they could be a way for her to affordably own her own home and achieve a certain amount of financial independence./ Exploring Alternatives
source/image: Exploring Alternatives
She watched nearly every single tiny house video on YouTube, and also attended the tiny house festival in Lantier, QC, where she met the tiny house building company, Lumbec.
They built her dream home and she found a legal place to park it in a small, year-round RV park in Ontario, Canada. Water is included in her monthly fee, but she pays for electricity and hydro.
During the winter when the water is shut off, she has to use a hose to fill a water tank hidden in her stairs. The rest of the year she can be hooked up to a town water supply.Her home is heated with one Martin propane heater, and she has a Separett toilet and a bathtub in her spacious bathroom./Exploring Alternatives