The SoelCat 12 – A Solar-Powered Electric Catamaran

The SoelCat 12 By Soel Yachts does not need any drop of fuel to operate. Right from the first line drawing, every aspect of this catamaran is integral designed for efficient solar electric propulsion. When the SoelCat 12 is not in use, it even generates return of investment by turning into a powerful grid-feeding station. Up to four households can be supplied with 15kVA of invert power from the SoelCat 12.
source/image: Soel Yachts
Soel designed the ship around the functional solar electric propulsion system in order to maximize efficiency. The 16-person craft has a range of 150nm, so it’s ideal for 24-hour excursions, taxi services, and launch duties.
It has a rooftop solar array providing 8.6 kWp, twin 30 kW electric motors, and a lithium battery system with a 120 kWh capacity, that can last for six hours of shipping at 8 knots and the company says that it runs at 60 NM. In other words, the SoelCat 12 requires 2.17kWh of battery capacity per nautical mile.
The first SoelCat 12, called Okeanos Pearl is succesfully operating at the Bora Bora Pearl Beach Resort as a cooperation project with the Okeanos Foundation for the Sea. Together, we can set an example for truly sustainable sea transport – where the sky is not the limit, but the solution!