DIY Flour Machine – How To Make A Working Mini Flour Mill Form Cardboard

Flour mill machines are grinding machines that take wheat, red wheat, gram or even spices in some cases, and grind it to produce fine powdered flour, which is sent for processing and packaging.Wheat grains are first dried then placed in the mill to make the flour.
source/image: Expert Eye
Fresh grains are pounded to make a paste. Corn and soybeans can also be processed in the mill to make cornmeal or soybean flour.Watch the video by Expert Eye to learn how to Make a Flour Mill Machine With Cardboard – fun project for you and your kids.
Making your own flour mill is a simple project and takes less than an hour to complete. This mill will process a half-pound of wheat in four minutes.. It’s very easy and simple. I build it with Cardboard, 9v battery, button, and DC motor.
Advanced flour mills powered by water, such as the gristmill, were first seen in the 1600s. Primitive flour mills and presses were seen well before the 1600s, proving that milling is an important process to make grains edible for human consumption.