Parallel Parking – How To Aligning Yourself Properly

Parallel parking is parking so that your parked car is aligned with the road.While parallel parking is a little tricky and takes some practice to master, there is no reason to be nervous about this driving skill.
source/image: Conduite Facile
A video on how do align yourself when parallel parking. Using the mirrors to align yourself, the other car’s plate, and so on. The the video by Conduite Facile has some great tips on how to properly align yourself.
Note : If the vehicle on the right is a lot larger than your vehicle, don’t use the second method of determining your distance by aligning the plate to the left of right of the window. Use the first method of aligning your mirror before or after the other car’s mirror.
Note 2: Always do your verifications to make sure you’re not getting too close to the other vehicles, people that might be passing by or any other obstacles before each maneuver.