Gigantic RC Model Achgelis FA-223 Dragon Coaxial Helicopter

Youtube channel RC Media World, uploaded a video of a really unique helicopter that we have to admit didn’t know even existed. Built by Frank Wedekind and flown by Frank Bolte according to the description of the video, this RC might actually by the only one in the world.
source/image: RC Media World
The Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache was a helicopter developed by Germany during World War II. A single 750-kilowatt (1,010 hp) Bramo 323 radial engine powered two three-bladed 11.9-metre rotors mounted on twin booms on either side of the 12.2-metre-long cylindrical fuselage.
Although the Fa 223 is noted for being the first helicopter to attain production status, production of the helicopter was hampered by Allied bombing of the factory, and only 20 were built.
The production model could carry 2200 pounds at 75 miles per hour, making it the world’s first true transport helicopter.
Technical info of this model helicopter:
- Model: Achgelis FA-223 Dragon (Coaxial Helicopter)
- Rotor diameter: 2x 2,30m / Width: app. 5 m
- Take-off weight: 24,8 Kg
- Engine: Electro PYRO 900-45
- ESC: 200 Amp
- Pilot: Frank Bolte
- Builder: Frank Wedekind