Meet Cora, Kitty Hawk’s Self-Flying, Completely Electric Prototype Air Taxi


Meet Cora, Kitty Hawk’s prototype air taxi that was designed and built to bring the freedom of flight to our everyday lives. Cora combines electric propulsion, vertical take-off and self-flying software to pioneer an entirely new way to move.

source/image(PrtSc): Kitty Hawk

The vehicle, which has been in development for eight years, can take off and land vertically, much like a helicopter. It is electric-powered and will be flown by self-piloting software – with human oversight from the ground.

It has a range of about 100 kilometres and can hit speeds of 150kmh. The prototype can carry two passengers.Cora has the potential to transform spaces like rooftops and parking lots into places to take off right from your neighborhood.


Cora is powered by 12 independent rotors capable and has a wingspan of 36 feet and operates via a dozen battery-powered rotors. It takes off like a helicopter and flies like a plane, is 100 percent electric.