The Smart iDummy Robot Mannequin That Can Morph Into Any Body Shape


Imagine a mannequin that can morph into any body shape with a few clicks on a computer. Imagine no more – i.Dummy is here.Invented by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Institute of Textiles and Clothing, i.Dummy (intelligent dummy) is a robot mannequin that can transform into any body shape or size.

source/image: Brand Hong Kong

To create i.Dummy’s universal body scales and sizes, the university team collected a massive amount of anthropometric data (technical talk for measurements of the human body’s size and proportion) of people from all over the world, as well as actual body shapes using a 3D Body Scanner.

Now, instead of using a large number of different sized dummies for fitting and product development, design houses, buying offices and factories can get multiple jobs done with just one i.Dummy.


i.Dummy not only provides a large variety of body sizes, it can also change shape to suit particular garments such as evening gowns, casual clothes or swimwear.