The World’s First Off Grid Foot Powered Washer!


Discover a new way to wash your personal delicates with the Drumi. This design challenges the public laundry experience while also solving the common complications of hand-washing delicate garments.

source/image(PrtSc): YiREGO YiREGO

The Drumi creates a sustainable solution with low environmental impact, saving you time, energy, and money. It is not only more hygienic than public laundromats, but also a takes fraction of the time.//yirego

A user loads up the drum with up to 2.5 kg of lightly soiled clothing, then adds tap waterthe lid can serve as a bowl for pouring water into the device and detergent.The lid is locked in place and the pedal gently pumped for around 5 minutes.


After opening the drain to release the soapy water, the user can add fresh water to rinse for 3 more minutes and drain again. The Drumi creates a sustainable solution with low environmental impact, saving you time, energy, and money.