DIY Amazing Kitchen Appliance Electric Peeler


In today’s video I want to show you how to make simple and quite effective kitchen gadget electric peeler. This peeler quite compact and wireless, so you can use it whenever you want.

source/image: The Q

To realise this project you need: plywood, few eletric motors, blade, metal thread, nuts and pvc pipe. Electric peeler machines assume the time and effort away from hand peeling.via: The Q

This DIY/universal peeler peels almost all fruits and vegetables in just a few seconds.This not only saves you a lot of time and effort, but also money, as you have to throw away considerably less.


The movable blade arm with sensitive blade automatically adapts to the shape and contours. No matter whether you use the device as an apple peeler, potato peeler or vegetable peeler. It peels precisely, minus squandering any of the wholesome part of the fruit or a vegetable.