Employing Whole-Body Control in Assistive Robotics
This is a robot for wheelchair users that can help them become more independent. DLRRMC has shared a new video that shows a framework for whole-body control for this robot. Thanks to this method, tasks like opening or closing doors can be done easily.
source/image: DLRRMC
This video presents a framework for whole-body control applied to the assistive robotic system EDAN. We show how the proposed method can be used for a task like open, pass through and close a door.
Also, we show the efficiency of the whole-body coordination with controlling the end-effector with respect to a fixed reference.
Additionally, showing how easy the system can be manually manoeuvred by direct interaction with the end-effector, without the need for an extra input device.hrough the control of muscle signals and integrated shared autonomy, everyday tasks, such as drinking from a glass or opening a door, are made possible.