How To Build Reinforced Concrete Stairs In A Miniature Scale Model House


When it comes to building stairs for the house, most people do not consider it to be a serious thing. For them stairs are just a way of going from one floor to another and nothing else.

source/image(PrtSc): OUROBOROS ARQ

Construction of concrete stairs is a difficult task that requires an engineer to study all the aspects and design it and a skilled labour to construct it.Watch this amazing video of how to build miniature reinforced concrete stairs in tiny model house.

If you’re an experienced DIYer with some knowledge of working with concrete, you can make your own steps with the right materials and some careful planning. Once you’ve planned your stairs, you’ll need to build a sturdy sub-base and a reinforced stair form.


After that, it’s time to pour and finish your concrete.Construction of concrete stairs includes steps such as designing, preparing foundation, building formwork, placement of reinforcement steel bars, concreting, finishing and curing.