Building Oil Burning Heater That Give Endless Heat For Your Home

 Revolutionizing Home Heating: Introducing Version 3.0 of the Electricity-Free, Portable Oil Burning Heater

In the pursuit of creating a versatile and portable heating solution, I've developed the third iteration of the oil-burning heater, complementing the success of versions 1 and 2. Designed for flexibility, this heater can be easily moved to any room and vented through a window using a concrete board. The use of a heavy-gauge ammo box in versions 1 and 2 ensured durability under high temperatures.

oduces a new design with a focus on portability, featuring a thinner corrugated steel metal. Although this material tends to heat up quickly, it provided valuable insights for further refinement, with plans to remake it using a thicker gauge steel for improved performance.

Upon initial use, the heater may experience paint burning off from the top, a natural process similar to wood-burning stoves. Once this initial phase is complete, the heater will no longer emit fumes from the paint.

For optimal operation, a slightly open window may be necessary in very airtight spaces to ensure proper oxygen supply. Alternatively, a secondary pipe can be incorporated to bring in oxygen from outside.

The half-gallon oil tank in this innovative heater lasts for about a week, with 4-6 hours of daily use. Adjustments may be needed based on individual usage patterns. To extinguish the fire, simply cover the fresh air intake pipe until the lack of oxygen causes the flame to die out. The oil tank, holding half a gallon of oil, can be easily refilled by inserting a new dry cotton baby wipe after use.

Note: This DIY project involves inherent risks, and it is advised not to attempt it without proper knowledge and precautions. Safety first.
