An Ancient Martial Art That Helps Japanese Police Fight Crime


Mitsuru Hamasaki is a former police officer who has practiced kendo for nearly 60 years. Dating back roughly 2,000 years ago, kendo is taught to members of the Japanese police force as a means of building character and empathy.

source/image(PrtSc): Great Big Story

To Mitsuru, who is himself a kendo trainer, accessing this mindset is even more important than mastering technique.

Kendo is a traditional Japanese martial art, which descended from swordsmanship (kenjutsu) and uses bamboo swords (shinai) and protective armour.Today, it is widely practiced within Japan and many other nations across the world.


Kendo is an activity that combines martial arts practices and values with strenuous sport-like physical activity.All Japanese police officers practice either judo or kendo “Japanese only”, with special units learning additional martial arts.