Worlds First Tungsten Powered Bicycle w/ RTS Technology!
The worlds first chainless bike powered by tungsten gears, and RTS technology. Quick response turning, styling that has never been seen, and operated with no chains. This is Chainless – breaking the chain game.This is what Chainless is all about…No chains!This is accomplished by replacing the traditional chain with a series of tungsten gears.
source/image(PrtSc): getchainless
The Chainless design is superior for several reasons: Unlike traditional materials, tungsten won’t rust and Chainless never has to be oiled!No longer will you have to worry about a loose chain or broken link, you can be confident that our Chainless system will always be ready to go.
The bike is also available in a foldable version, that can fit into the trunk of any car yet goes from portability to riding mode in less that 15 seconds.
The wheels are made from a high density magnesium alloy which is lighter, yet stronger than traditional wheels. Not only do the wheels reduce weight and improve performance, they do so while looking stylish and modern on the Chainless. The wheels come in three sizes: 20″, 24″, and 26″.