Fire Pan – A Snack Which Has Literally Been Set On Fire
After a meal, people across India turn to paan, a centuries-old culinary darling that helps things go down smoothly.//Great Big Story
source/image(PrtSc): Great Big Story
It consists of a betel leaf filled with anything from nuts, cardamom, fruit, chocolate—you name it! But at one street food stand in New Delhi, a special ingredient is setting social media ablaze. Are you fired up?
While consuming the fire paan seems extremely risky, the shop owner claims the fire actually provides a cool sensation once placed inside the mouth.
According to the Ayurvedic medicine Paan helps against headaches, coughs and colds and is also used as a breath freshener – but also without fire.This fire dish has become a favorite among young people. Those who love a little adventure can fire this dish with fire.