Homemade 12V DC Box Fan, Full Size – 100% Solar! (or battery pwrd) – 100w Panel/Motor
Large 12V DC Box Fan! (w/motor speed control!) Easy DIY. Full Instructions. fan is powered using a single 100 watt solar panel or 12v battery. pushes same amount of air as an AC box fan. Gan runs smooth and fast (super slow too – if you use optional motor speed controller).
source/image(PrtSc): desertsun02
Total cost only $45 (add 12 for the speed control unit). Nothing like it on the market today so i decided to make one. Great project if you’re thinking of getting into solar power or off-gridding. Has lots of uses and is super easy to make.
Note that a lot of the projects i’ve built over the years make use of a 20″ AC box fan. now using this you can run all of those on solar too! fan is 21 1/4″ square and made with 2×6 lumber (actual 5.5″ x 1.5″) and 1/2″ plywood. The 4 small pieces in the corners are 2×3 lumber. Fan is very solid and runs smooth. no vibrations or shaking.I highly recommend getting the speed control device.
It allows you to run the fan at any of 100’s of speeds and can extend the amount of time that it can be run on a battery. Average time fan will run on high with standard average size 100 ah deep-cycle 12v battery is about 5 hours. On medium it’s about 10 hours and on low about 20 or more. note also that on medium or low you can barely hear the motor.